Entry 5


Today I saved my children's life . They were coming home from Scouts Halloween play when Mr. Ewell tried to kill them. That's Then I came and I killed that mean man that a tried to kill my chil'en . I stabed him with a kichen knife all right. Then I a brought Jem home because he was a noocked out. When I broutgh him home. Atticus was very scared when he saw me a caring his Jem. I entreed the house put Jem in his room. Atticus whent straight to the telephone to call the doctor. The doctor came and said that Jem had a broken arm and was unconshosse. They said that Bob fell on his knife. But I know they really do not think that. I asked Scout to walk me home and she a said that she woud love to. I feel like I am her hero and that she likes me. I have achieved my goal of showing her that I am not a mad man.


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